
6月, 2024の投稿を表示しています

Servey on Commuting University Analysis

 Survey on Commuting University Analysis  Survey on Commuting University Analysis My research topic: Commuting University  Target: Japanese University Students  Number of resondents : (8) (Summary) Studnents answered 13 questions  (Results) Graph#1 shows that only one students do not use transportation. 87.5% responded "yes" , 12.5% responded "no". Many students use transportation to go to university. #1 Graph#2 shows that which rote bus use. Using "Sanda" is 37.5%, using "Shinsanda" is 25%. Other 37.5% use express bus. More than half student use in Sanda rote bus. #2 Graph#3 shows that which express bus use. Using Osaka-Umeda,Shin-Osaka,Other express bus is 12.5%. Senri-Newtown is 25%. Do not use express bus is 37.5%. I wonderd in this class no one comes from Kobe. #3 Graph#4 shows that how long time to go to university. Under 1hour and more than 2 hours students are same persentage for 37.5%. More than 1 hour students persentage is 25%. In th...

Servey on Commuting University

Servey on Commuting University please answer my survey 読み込んでいます…